
Never before has music unveiled so many mysteries of our history, of women, and of heritage.

A transboundary festival that forges connections between worlds, rivers, cultures, and reinvigorates the environment through the medium of the piano and its interdisciplinary endeavors.

The values of excellence and knowledge transmission have firmly positioned the IPF Guadalquivir as one of Spain’s most esteemed classical music festivals, with its epicenter in Cordoba, Andalusia. It stands as an essential destination for music enthusiasts and the world’s most accomplished musicians. 

Individuals, companies, or foundations, all have the opportunity to make a contribution to the Cultural Association Guadalquivir Pianístico, the organizing body behind IPF Guadalquivir. This donation can be directed towards the overarching festival project or a specific artistic, educational, or cultural program. Donating to the association allows sponsors to fulfill their philanthropic aspirations and become part of a community dedicated to the enhancement of our society and the preservation of the monumental heritage of the cities where the festival takes place each year. In 2023, these cities are Cordoba (Spain) and Mexico City.

Donor members receive a spectrum of benefits, and their names are recognized on all festival acknowledgments, including honorary memberships in the association.

The Guadalquivir IPF Association takes meticulous care to cater to the unique needs of each donor, offering personalized benefits that align with shared interests. Therefore, we encourage you to reach out to us and establish an exclusive and distinguished partnership.

Being part of this IPF enables sponsoring and collaborating brands to:

Attain unique and personalized visibility and presence.

Benefit from a thoughtful image and communication strategy.

Position the sponsor as a brand sensitive to a culture of excellence, reaching a wide range of audiences through concrete actions that can be spread at different levels.

Foster emerging talents.

Preserve and enhance the architectural heritage of the city, thereby preserving its history.

Promote culture, classical music, and the piano as solid pillars of our society.

Strengthen sustainability and environmental stewardship through exclusive and immersive cultural initiatives.

Promote and contribute to the economic development of the cities it passes through, encouraging international audience participation and increasing city overnight stays, thereby driving city growth.

Participate and make a contribution.
Be a part of your culture.
Be a part of IPF Guadalquivir.


Cultural Association Guadalquivir Pianístico

Address: Av. Jesús Rescatado, 28 bajo local dcha.
14007 – Córdoba (Spain)
T. +34 647 095 577

fundadora y directora artística


patrocinadores principales


tren oficial

colaboradores principales

colaboradores institucionales

medio colaborador

colaborador técnico *

* Los pianos elegidos para la celebración de este festival son pianos de la serie artesanal Yamaha y Bösendorfer con la colaboración de Royal Pianos.

Each edition, we create something extraordinary astonishment, talent, knowledge, and cultural richness, all while maintaining our commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

Interested in joining us as a SPONSOR or COLLABORATOR?

Stay updated


A continuación puedes acceder a la información de todos los establecimientos.  Te mostramos también el listado de nuestros hoteles colaboradores. Tendrás entre un 10% y un 15% de descuento en tu estancia. Para obtenerlo solo tienes que llamar al hotel y decir que vendrás al 14 FIP Guadalquivir. Tendrás que presentar tu entrada al concierto elegido durante el check in en el hotel elegido:

Hotel Boutique Patio del Posadero 10%
Hospes Palacio del Bailío 10%
Hotel Boutique Suite Generis 10%
Casa de los Azulejos 10%
Hospedería Luís de Góngora 15%
Patios del Orfebre 15%
Hotel Serrano 15%
Haciendas de Córdoba 15%
Hotel Los Patios 15%
La Casa del Río 15%
Apartamentos Turísticos Duque de Hornachuelos 15%
Apartamentos Tendillas 15%